First of all, I want to say that the Sirens Conference is staffed by the most amazing and welcoming people that you might ever meet–and I hope you meet them. And, I did indeed have my fangirl moment with Kate Elliott–and Rae Carson–and Yoon Ha Lee. These three amazing authors brought so much spirit and intention to their interaction with attendees at the Sirens Conferenc that I feel like I just walked among the stars. I freely admit that I did squee when Kate Elliott asked for my Twitter handle (The Sorceress does indeed hold up over time!), and I did feel like an awkward stalker when I hugged Rae Carson (sorry Rae! And thank you for being so kind to assuage my fears of overstepping the boundaries!), and I did seem like goober when I tumbled over my compliments to Yoon Ha Lee (really I can be articulate). But here’s the thing: these three authors were the kindest, most gracious people you’d ever like to meet and, more importantly, they write some of the most engaged and intricate Science Fiction and Fantasy you will ever read.

Keep reading. It's one of the most marvelous
adventures that anyone can have.