
Keep reading. It's one of the most marvelous
adventures that anyone can have.

-Lloyd Alexander

Category Archives: FearLess Journal

When a starman visits your dream and then your meditation

If you’d ask me before January 10, 2016, which artists had made the biggest impact on my life, I would have said, Frida Kahlo, Elsa Peretti, Georgia O’Keefe, Vanessa Bell, and Hannah Höch. But then David Bowie died, and the contemplation of his absence from this earthly plane made me realize that, with the lightest […]

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Age, wisdom, and the letter to the younger self.

Wish* On this last day of the month, a day after my 48th birthday, I have been thinking about the often employed device or trope of “Advice to my younger self.” How many times have we said or heard, “If I only knew then, what I know now, I would…”? “I would have/should have…” and […]

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