
Keep reading. It's one of the most marvelous
adventures that anyone can have.

-Lloyd Alexander

Monthly Archives: August 2015

August Break: An Instagram Project

Susannah Conway, British photographer and author, started August Break in 2010 as way to take a break from blogging and what she described as the “pressure to finding words.” Instead of words, she invited herself and others to share “a photo or two a day”…”as a way to be present.” I was introduced to Susannah […]

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The Challenge: Round One

I woke up on August 1st with an email letting me know that The Flash Fiction Challenge 2015 was underway and how to find my group. When I found my group I got my challenge: Genre: Fairytale Location: A Senior Citizen Home Element: Disco ball 36 Hours later I had a story: NAME THE NIGHTINGALE […]

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