Many of us have heard or read Margaret Mead’s quote:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

I wholeheartedly agree with Ms. Mead. I also think that a trio of friends committed to their projects, meeting once a month for lunch and a check in can transform a couple of tough weeks of editing (in my case) into a new way of looking at a project.

That’s my FWC (originally christened The First Writers Club by SB Hadley Wilson in a tongue-and-cheek homage to Olivia Goldsmith’s book THE FIRST WIVES CLUB. Then rebranded as the First Wednesdays Club. Only to revert to the acronym when hectic schedules made it clear that the meeting on the first Wednesday of the month was even less realistic than the characters in the original literary inspiration.)

Grateful to SB Hadley Wilson (front) and Irvin Lin (middle) for reminding me that I am on the WRITE path!