Image: Magnolia Media Productions
The Castro Writers’ Cooperative will once again be presenting a Literary Relay Race at San Francisco’s Litquake in October. 2017 will mark the third year “Coop” writers will turn a literary classic into a modern masterpiece of fast-paced storytelling with a twist. Each writer has 300 words and 3 minutes to tell their part of the story before handing off to the next.
Past crowd pleasers include Tale of Two Tweets (the haves and the have-nots of San Francisco) and Fahrenheit 4-1-5.
Choosing this year’s book, required a raucous whittling down of fabulous titles:
The ManMaid’s Tale (Alison Bing is a genius)
Brave New Covfefe (Susie Hara bringing strong game)
Covfeferacy of Dunes (Cameron Tuttle slaying with this offering)
Atlas Shirked (only one of several winners from Castro Writers’ Cooperative founder Scott James)
The Curious Incident of the Tweet in the Night (Karen Bjorneby a fierce contender)
And the winner (after extensive polling and data mining analytics):
1984: PART II
Mark your calendars. October 14, 2017, Litquake’s LitCrawl. And don’t miss the Literary Relay Race at Fellow Barber (Valencia and 16th) in San Francisco. 1984 promises to be memorable.