
Keep reading. It's one of the most marvelous
adventures that anyone can have.

-Lloyd Alexander

Category Archives: Magic

The Challenge: Round One

I woke up on August 1st with an email letting me know that The Flash Fiction Challenge 2015 was underway and how to find my group. When I found my group I got my challenge: Genre: Fairytale Location: A Senior Citizen Home Element: Disco ball 36 Hours later I had a story: NAME THE NIGHTINGALE […]

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Creative Minds InventCalendar 2015

So many creative people contributed to the InventCalendar 2015. I am both honored and heartened that a small message can produce so much. We clearly love our children and animals, but when you look closely at the images, you see dreams and hopes and wistful moments. There’s also a fragile recognition of what we might […]

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