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Category Archives: Heroine’s Journey
Another NaNoWriMo: 30 Days, 50K Words!
This is my tenth NaNoWriMo. In 2005, my husband and a dear friend declared they would be participating in this writing event I’d never heard of: National Novel Writing Month. They would be attempting to write 50K words in 30 days or bust! In an unexamined act of solidarity, I said I would show my […]
Age, wisdom, and the letter to the younger self.
Wish* On this last day of the month, a day after my 48th birthday, I have been thinking about the often employed device or trope of “Advice to my younger self.” How many times have we said or heard, “If I only knew then, what I know now, I would…”? “I would have/should have…” and […]