
Keep reading. It's one of the most marvelous
adventures that anyone can have.

-Lloyd Alexander

Category Archives: Growth

A Year-end Reflection

For the last several years, I have joined with a group of virtual friends from all over the word to reflect at year’s end. Brought together by Susannah Conway’s Unravel the Year Workbook, we review the preceding year and set goals and intention, including finding a word for the coming year. Possibilities. Intuition. Reveal. Create. […]

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Writers’ Conferences: the challenges and rewards

The end of October marked the beginning of a new phase for me as a debut author. The CONS. Conferences and conventions. For the past three years, I have attended the Sirens Conference for women in Science Fiction and Fantasy. I have always enjoyed this conference for its camaraderie and passionate and informed discussion and panels. […]

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